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Click here to read Ps2 Console full review & compare prices
Product DescriptionEnjoy the thrill of gaming with the Sony PlayStation 2. This Sony gaming console enhances your gaming experience with additional memory and faster performance. Powered by the Emotion Engine processor, this Sony video game system delivers a power-packed performance at great speeds with impressive graphical representations. You can connect this Sony gaming console to your television using the A/V cord for an enhanced gaming experience. With better picture and high-quality sound, the PlayStation 2 provides a better gaming environment. The two USB ports let you connect external USB devices to this Sony video game system. The performance and functionality of the PlayStation 2 make it a must-have for any serious gamer.
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- Product Identifiers Brand Sony Model Playstation 2 Platform Sony PlayStation 2
- Audio Output Support Stereo
- Technical Details CPU MIPS R5900 Ram Technology RDRAM (RAMBUS) Supported Media CD-ROM, DVD-ROM Ram Capacity 32 MB
- Dimensions Depth 7.2 in. Height 3.07 in. Weight 4.85 lb Width 11.8 in.
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